How to Design a Logo Using Adobe Photoshop Cs3
In this tutorial I will give you tricks how to design a 3D logo with Adobe Illustrator CS3. Well just go to Adobe Illustrator on your computer and follow the steps as I show below. First create a layer by using Ctrl + N, then setting the size of the layer with Color Mode : RGB, width: 350px and height: 280px, if it is just click "OK" The next step is to modify the gray circle to be a little more 3D look. Please follow the steps below. Select the Direct Selection Tool and click on the gray circular object earlier, and then select Effect on menubar and then select 3D - Extrude and Bevel. Once it's set in the options window. Note the picture below: Once in the expand let's set the color so it looks more alive again. But first let's remove that first, the color gradations in gray circles. Do I select the Direct Selection Tool click on the object circle gray-colored shades it and press Delete, Note the picture below: If objeck like the image above you have wasted, the next step is to press Ctrl + F to restore Objects logo that we'd lose a moment. Coloring Make a new screen then Selek "M" on the keyboard (Ractangle Tool) and then make a box with size width: 350px, height: 280 px. Then give a blue color gradations as shown below: So the end result of making this logo is as shown below: Good luck and hopefully this tutorial is useful for anyone who wants to try to design a logo using Adobe Illustrator CS3. Please Download file with EPS format
The next step is to click the "L" on the keyboard to make a circle. Click on the layer so that the working window pops ellipse, then set the optionnya with width: 100px and height: 100px. If you have click ok or enter alone. See the picture below:
If the circle has been made, we now copy with Ctrl + C and paste with Ctrl + F (to paste in its original place), then click effect - Path - Offset Path and set the Offset:-10px and then enter.
In this step a second time we cut the circle. Using Pathfinder, and select Divide. See the following picture:
Give the color gradations in the middle circle, in this tutorial I use a dark blue color gradations C: 100, W: 95, Y: 5, K: 0 and light blue C: 70, W: 15, Y: 0, K: 0. while for the circumference of the ring I use the color gradations of gray K: 40 and K: 5. See the picture below:
The next step select the Direct Selection Tool and press Alt and left click on the mouse and then drag the object left a gray circle. And further press Ctrl + shift +} The results are as shown below.
Then select the gray circle and return to the Pathfinder window and select Divide. Click the Direct selection tool and delete the gray circle is not needed, consider the results shown below:
Then select Direct Selection Tool again and click the gray circle before, and then back to the Pathfinder window and press Alt while clicking the Add Shape Area.
And the results of the 3D effect will be like the following picture:
The next step is to be modified again gray circle was by giving Expand Appearance so that the object was a circle of gray we can change the color. The trick is to click Object on the menubar and select Expand Appearance.
Note the picture below:
Before you set the color, we set the first part of this circle extrude. Double-click to five times. Until we can select objects extrude the gray circle. Note the picture below:
Then select the Pathfinder window and select Add to shape area, do not forget while pressing Alt. After that, press Ctrl + Shift + G to do Ungroup. Then click the objects one by one with the Direct Selection Tool to all selected. Then press Ctrl + X to remove the selected object. And note that there is still a work area of unused objects, please press Ctrl + A then press the Delete key on the keyboard.
Selek the circle object using the Direct seletion Tool, then select the gradient on the Swatches window and press "G" on the keyboard and then adjust according to your taste. Note the picture below:
The next step is to set the color of the circle center of the object. Steps were the same as setting the color gray circle earlier. (I inform you that in this coloring, you do not have to follow me, you can create your own with your favorite colors) Previously there objeck advance copy center circle by way of Ctrl + C then paste it in place with Ctrl + F, and set the position of the object of duplicate results it as shown below:
Then adjust the gradation of colors as shown below:
The next step, draw a small circle, then set the position by using Ctrl + { circle so that the position has become like the image below:
Then we duplicate the small circle of objects with Ctrl + C then paste it with Ctrl + F and adjust its position. After that we change the color to white and black gradation Transparency window click on the box and then select Screen blending mode while Opacity: 35, note the following images
If you've done it right then the result will look like the picture above. Furthermore, please press Ctrl + A (to select all objects) and press Ctrl + G. After that proceed to make the words "ORBIT". Font that I use here is Font: Century Gothic Bold Italic. Expand Appearance and then you give and give color gradation. Then press Ctrl + C then Ctrl + F and make Ractangle Tool box with cover half of the text. See the following figure:
Then select the text of the Orbit and also the box while pressing the Shift key on the keyboard. Then the Pathfinder window and selectivity Intersect Shape Area so that the result will be like this:
After that window select Transparency and select Screen Blending Mode column. Then adjust the gradation as shown below.
The next step select Effect - Path - Offset Path and offset adjust window path as shown below:
If you've done the offset path, please choose Object - Expand Appearance. It's finished logo. Now it's time to give background.
Title : Logo design using adobe illustrator cs 3
Description : In this tutorial I will give you tricks how to design a 3D logo with Adobe Illustrator CS3 . Well just go to Adobe Illustrator on your co...
How to Design a Logo Using Adobe Photoshop Cs3
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