How Do Use Mail Chimp Design Editor

Create an Email Template

Mailchimp provides different template options to help you find the right look for your email marketing. Add your logo and select the colors and fonts that fit your brand, so you can create a reusable design for your future email campaigns.

In this article, you'll learn how to create an email template.

Before you start

Here are some things to know before you create a template.

  • Depending on your plan, you may not have access to all of the template options. To find out what features are included in each plan, check out our pricing page. To change your plan type, visit the plans page in your account.
  • If you're unsure about which template to use, read more about our different template options.
  • To ensure your classic template displays as expected, take a look at our image requirements for content blocks.
  • When you edit a custom-coded template, your changes may affect existing campaigns that use the template. Changes to a drag-and-drop template will not appear in existing campaigns.

For the new builder

To create a template for the new email builder, follow these steps.

  1. Click the Campaigns icon.
  2. Click Email templates.
  3. Click Create Template.
  4. Hover over the template you want to start with and click Select.
  5. In the Create New Template pop-up, enter a name and click Save.
  6. Add or edit content blocks and styles to design your template as needed. To learn more, read Design an Email With the New Builder.
  7. Click Preview to see how your template will look on desktop and mobile.
  8. When you're ready, click Save Template and Exit.

Your new template will be available for you to use on the Templates page of your account or in the new email builder.

For the classic builder

To create a template for the classic email builder, follow these steps.

  1. Click the Campaigns icon.
  2. Click Email templates.
  3. Click Create Template.
  4. Click a tab to choose a template category.

    The Layouts tab contains Featured and Basic templates. Featured templates provide recommendations for the type of content to include in a campaign, while Basic templates provide blank layouts. The Themes tab contains predesigned layouts. The Code your own tab allows you to import or paste in HTML to create your template layout. To learn more about these options, check out Types of Email Templates.
  5. Click the template you want to work with.
  6. Drag and drop content blocks into your template layout to add and format text, images, files, and other content as needed.
  7. When you're done, click Save and Exit.
  8. In the Save Template pop-up modal, type a name for your template.
  9. Click Save.

Your new template will be available for you to use on the Templates page or under Saved templates in the classic email builder.

Code your own

If you want more control over your email design than our templates offer, consider creating your own custom template. Designers can use Mailchimp's template language to create a dynamic template they can import as HTML. This is helpful for web designers who want to upload a template for a client, and create sections that are editable, repeatable, or hideable.

click Code Your Own

To view or add a custom-coded template, navigate to the Templates page and click Create Template. On the Code your own tab, you'll see options to Paste in code, Import HTML, or Import zip. You can also access custom-coded templates in the classic builder.

For more help with custom-coded templates, check out Getting Started with Mailchimp's Template Language and Import a Custom HTML Template.

Next steps

Now that you've created a new email template, you're ready to use it for future email campaigns. Here are some resources to help you get started.

Access Your Saved Email Templates

Create a Regular Campaign

How Do Use Mail Chimp Design Editor


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