How Can I Use the Design Process in Real Life

Engineering is one of the most rewarding and fun professions in the world. A degree in any engineering field can take you all over the world and help you make a nice salary. An engineering degree doesn't just teach you how to be a great engineer, but rather a great manager, businessman, and entrepreneur. Of all of the reasons to get into engineering, here are the top 10.

1. You can use your creativity every day

Top 9 Reasons to Become an Engineer

Being an engineer means you are paid to create and innovate each and every day. During their careers, engineers have to tackle various projects regardless of their area of expertise or education. What's better than that? Whether you're into physics, construction, or something else, you will always have the necessary tools to develop your own systems and projects.

Engineering really isn't just boring math, in fact, most of what an engineering degree teaches you is how to learn. Now, while that may sound silly, getting an engineering degree teaches you how to be an engineer. That means it teaches you how to utilize math, science, and the knowledge available to you to leverage your creativity and create something awesome!

2. Many opportunities to travel the world

Top 9 Reasons to Become an Engineer

Engineering degrees are highly respected and engineers are needed all over the world. This means that you can literally work wherever you desire or travel as you would like. Whether you've finished a mechanical, electrical, or civil engineering school or college, your services will be in high demand.


I've gotten to travel across the world working in my career and an engineering degree is what took me here! As long as you're ready for an adventure, having an engineering degree can open many doors.

3. High salaries for life

Top 9 Reasons to Become an Engineer

Engineers are some of the highest-paid workers across the globe. While doctors may have them beat out in some sectors, engineering jobs consistently pay good incomes nearly everywhere they are needed. Graduates who have just finished their college courses can expect a nice future.

The most important thing to understand about being an engineer is that you're always going to have a comfortable salary. If you want to become mega-rich, you're going to need to advance in the business world, but engineering can help you get there. Being an engineer your entire life won't get you to living in a massive mansion, but it will ensure that you don't miss bills and live comfortably.

4. Engineers have a huge impact on the world

Top 9 Reasons to Become an Engineer

If you want to come home at the end of your day and feel like you have made a difference, most engineering professions provide great avenues for helping others. As you start to develop as a professional, you will be working on bigger projects, building higher buildings, and helping people all over the world.

Making a nice salary is nice, but it's even better when the work you're doing is literally changing the world. Being an engineer is an amazing feeling, simply because you get the joys of making and designing things that have never been made before.

5. Never be out of a job

Like we mentioned earlier, engineers are needed literally everywhere in the world. This means that when you lose one job, there are bound to be a list of other companies hiring. Students who have just completed a university program can expect an annual salary of $66,000. An engineering student who works with software and technology can expect even more - around $70,000 per year including benefits.

As long as you're not too picky, you're always going to have job opportunities as an engineer. Don't think you're limited to just engineering either! An engineering degree is respected across all fields and the tools it gives you are great for business and other situations as well.

For example, I have a civil engineering degree but took my skill set to the markets of engineering software, writing, and journalism, and some design work on the side. My engineering degree underscores how I approach all of my work, and it's set me apart in the job pool many a time.

6. Hands-on, fun work

Top 9 Reasons to Become an Engineer

Practically every engineering profession involves hands-on work that will keep you involved throughout the day. You can sit behind a computer if you would like, but getting out there and making new stuff is a breeze in engineering. This makes the profession so much more interesting as students can start developing their own projects before they complete respective college programs.

One of my favorite things about engineering school was all of the hands on demonstrations and projects we did. It's the reason that I chose the college I went to. If hands-on engineering sounds interesting to you (I promise it is) then you'll want to investigate this at the colleges you're interested in.

In work too, engineers can be pretty hands on, letting you experience the things you've designed on a computer in real life. There's no better feeling.

7. Work in different departments

Top 9 Reasons to Become an Engineer

If you hold one particular engineering degree, that doesn't mean you can't transfer and work in a completely different specialty. Engineering graduates can work wherever they like regardless of their field of study! Those who are interested in this profession have to be flexible; they have to understand various technical and industrial aspects, to work with various data, and perhaps even be involved in the management process and training.

Like I mentioned before, my engineering degree has taken me across all realms of business. From tech journalism to marketing and business development. I fully credit the skills I learned in engineering school as what took me to these industries. Don't think an engineering degree locks you down to sitting behind a computer doing design work all day (unless that's what you want!). An engineering degree can take you into all the realms of the professional world.


8. Open job market

Top 9 Reasons to Become an Engineer

There are so many engineering jobs out there that wherever you want to work, in whatever industry, you can surely find something good. Even if you can't find the right company in your country, you can easily search for employment abroad.

We already mentioned that jobs will be plentiful before, but it's also important to note how many different industries you can work in. If you get a job out of college designing tractors and decide that's not for you, then you can just jump over to designing rockets (If you can nail the interview, that is).

9. Learn how to make awesome things

Being an engineer comes with a wealth of knowledge that enables you to build things that will amaze your friends. Each new project will improve your skills, teach you how to solve various problems, and utilize resources and materials to the best of your abilities. We can't guarantee you will be able to drive a skid steer with that level of skill though; you will have to finish a special course to do that!

There's something rewarding about knowing how to make and design things that few other people in the world have ever made or designed.

How Can I Use the Design Process in Real Life


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